KÖK Journal of Social and Strategical Research

Ottoman Special Issue, 2000

Tütün tax in the Golden Horde and Ottoman State

A. Melek Özyetgin

The Tütün tax is a financial term which means "housing tax", used in Turkistan and Desht-i Qipchak and Turkic states such as Uigur, Golden Horde and Ottoman, a common term "tütün" used in above named areas basically have the same meaning but its application can be different. Today the original meaning of the word "tütün", ie., "housing tax" has naturally been lost but on the other hand, the ordinary meaning of the word "tütün" namely "house" is in still in use in modern Turkic dialects.

Key words: Tütün tax, Golden Horde, Ottoman, Uigur

pp. 93-103

[Tam Metin]

ISSN 1302-292X

Telif Hakkı © 2000 KÖK Sosyal ve Stratejik Araştırmalar Vakfı

Telif Hakkı © 2001 KÖK Sosyal ve Stratejik Araştırmalar Vakfı

Hazırlama Tarihi 04.02.2001